Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Class Info

  • Letter: Aa, short vowel sound 
  • Sight Word: we 
  • Math: Sorting by Attribute 
  • Progress Reports go home this Thursday. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know ASAP so we can meet before report cards go home in four more weeks! 
  • The reader "We Can" will be coming home in your child's red folder. You can keep this reader at home to read with your child, or you can send it back to school. If you send it back to school, I will have them put it in their 'book bag' for read-to-self time. You do NOT need to sign it and return it like it says on the front- this is from previous years when it was required homework! :) 
  • The STEM challenge is due at the end of September if your child wants to participate! 
  • Our library day is on Monday's. Please help your child remember to bring his or her library book on Monday's so they can check out a new one. 

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